Touch Desinger Integration
Learn how to control PTZ cameras inside of Touch Designer
See how Deadmau5 uses PTZOptics with touch designer
The video above walks through the MimoLive and PTZOptics camera integration process. First,, we make sure the PTZOptics camera is on the same network as the Mac computer. This way MimoLive has IP access to the camera for PTZ control. Then, we open the camera inside MimoLive to see and use it in the live broadcast. Then, we add a layer called PTZOPtics Camera Controller to setup and name presets then use these names for recall. We continue naming positions and saving PTZ presets as we go along. We open up a layer called “Comments PTZ Controller.” You may need to get this layer from MimoLive and install it onto your Mac Computer. Once installed you’ll need to authenticate the Youtube or Facebook accounts you’ll will be using.
- Custom Programming: For advanced integrations, PTZOptics open-source control software is a game-changer.
- 3G-SDI: Each camera uses an un-compressed 3 gigabit 1080p video feed set to 60 frames per second for maximum full HD quality,
- Network Solution: The cameras are not only powered over ethernet, but they are also receiving low latency commands over ethernet from TouchDesigner and other video production software.
Cube v3 glows with custom visual effects designed by Deadmau5. The cube can spin 360 degrees and dip 45 degrees during performances. The system uses a real-time IP network to communicate with the PTZOptics cameras over Artnet. The cameras can position themselves remotely to match the movement of this massive cube and keep the images straight.
It is now possible to control PTZOptics camera presets from DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software. Additionally, the PTZOptics MIDI control software bridge up to 120 unique MIDI notes, directing PTZ cameras where to move throughout musical performances. Learn more